PCO Chef is a free hobby project I created to make sharing “Ministry Recipes” easier. I’m a full time Lead Pastor at a church just south of Pittsburgh. I'm not affiliated with Planning Center. I'm just a fan, and a nerd. We use Planning Center Online for all our church management tools. I’m a big fan of Planning Center and I’m also a developer. So some of my hobby projects cross paths with Planning Center.
You can login with your Planning Center Online account. The site uses Oauth2 to authenticate you with Planning Center Online. You can revoke access at anytime at: https://api.planningcenteronline.com/access_tokens.
Once you are logged in then you can do two things:
A recipe is not personal data! It is the code to work with data inside your Planning Center. You can share Service Reports, Calendar Reports, People Reports, and People Forms. If you have built something cool inside Planning Center and would like to freely share that with other ministries you can post it here and then you’ll have easily shareable links to share the “Recipe”.
I know how hard it is to write custom reports. It takes a LOT of time. Once I put in all that work I want other Churches to be able to use it. I want those of us who are gifted nerds to be able to share our skills with people who aren’t skilled at writing report code. When you share Planning Center Reports and Forms on pcochef then even non-technical people can easily import your work into their Planning Center with one click. This site wouldn't be possible without our growing list of Master Chefs.
Community shared reports are always free. It's our pleasure to serve the Church in this way. We do offer Chef Plus recipes for subscribers.
I hate administrative tasks. I love coding, creative design, public speaking, building new things and music. I HATE paperwork. This is an elaborate convoluted plan to get other people to do my work for me. Some of you have these amazing lists, and workflows, and I just want to import and use them. So I’m hoping you’ll share so all of us can do ministry not paperwork!
Probably! I can contract with your church to write custom code. I have cleaned up databases, built custom data export scripts, and built custom reports. I'm also available to consult with other developers about using the Planning Center API since I have extensive experience building things with the API. Email me your problem ron[at]pcochef.com
Yep PCO Guru is the team to look to for that exact need!
Yep you can read all the legal stuff here: PCO Chef Privacy Policy